York, PA FedEx Injured Worker Gets Reinstatement of Workers’ Comp Years After Injury And Award of Attorney Fees for Unreasonable Contest

April 21, 2012

Nancy Case (name changed to protect her privacy) tore her left knee ACL on 4-13-05 when she suffered a work injury in York, PA.  She hired Ron as her workers’ compensation attorney and all hearings were held in York, PA. Dr. Craig Fultz performed surgery and she returned to her regular job without wage loss until more than five (5) years later when her disability reoccurred without incidence. She went off work in October 2010 to again have left knee surgery by Dr. Fultz. After filing a reinstatement petition for workers’ comp benefits and after the first hearing, FedEx paid her workers’ comp wage loss benefits for the period she missed all work from 10-12-10 to 12-20-10. Subsequently, Judge Wayne L Dietrich awarded her partial disability benefits for the period of light duty work which caused an earning loss because of lost overtime for 12-21-10 to 4-21-11, ordered FedEx to pay her attorney an unreasonable contest fee of $3,161.25, ordered FedEx to reimburse her Health Insurance Company $13,271.45 because they paid for her work related knee surgery when comp denied it, interest on all compensation and costs of litigation.

For Free Legal Advice for your York or Central PA Work Injury, feel free to call us at 1-717-695-4722 . We have over 75 years experience in workers’ compensation between the 3 Super Lawyers at this firm.  We will give you answers to all your questions and, hopefully, peace of mind.