Category: Workers Compensation Q & A and News

cordon tape warning people to stay away from an asbestos removal site

If you develop an occupational disease related to asbestos, you may be eligible for asbestos exposure compensation. While the range of illnesses and conditions varies greatly, the purpose of workers’ comp for asbestos exposure is to compensate Pennsylvania workers for the medical care required to treat their disease or condition…

a woman employee being examined by a medial doctor

When you undergo extended treatment and rehabilitation for a work-related injury or illness, the workers’ compensation insurance company may eventually request an impairment rating evaluation (IRE). An IRE is used to identify the nature and severity of your impairment and determine what workers’ compensation benefits you currently qualify for. Because…

a man with a visible scar on his face due to an injury at work

If you’ve been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, you probably know that you’re entitled to workers’ compensation for a work-related injury. Many injured workers don’t know that they may also qualify for compensation for scars on their head, face, or neck from their work injury. Compensation for disfigurement depends…

workers compensation form for employee associated injury

When you are injured at work, your workers’ compensation benefits will depend on your average weekly wage. It’s essential that you understand how to calculate your Pennsylvania average weekly wage so you know what to expect in workers’ compensation benefits while you cannot work. Because you should confirm your Pennsylvania average weekly…

An independent medical examination (IME) form

Have you suffered an on-the-job injury in Pennsylvania? If so, you might wonder, “What is the purpose of an IME?” “What should I expect during an independent medical examination (IME) for my workers’ compensation claim?” While there is no need to fear the examination, it’s not something you should take…

man having De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis due to repetitive stress

Repetitive use or overexertion of the wrist or hand can lead to a painful medical condition called De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. This condition can impair the use of the wrist or thumb until a person receives treatment and the condition heals. What Is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis? De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is a…

an employee suffering from a work-related rotator cuff injury

Rotator cuff injuries are surprisingly common, especially among workers who repeatedly lift heavy objects or reach overhead on the job. These injuries can be painful and persistent, often impairing an employee’s ability to work and carry out daily activities. If you have a work-related rotator cuff injury, you may be…