Category: Workers Compensation Q & A and News

doctor diagnosing a herniated disc from work injury

When the discs in a person’s spine work properly, they protect the spine from injury. A disc is a small oval pad that acts as a cushion to the spine. Damage to the disc can result in a herniated disc, also called a slipped or ruptured disc. What is a…

a worker holding his back because he suffering from a work injury at work

Back injuries are some of the most common workplace injuries in America. Back injuries can affect workers from all walks of life, often causing crippling pain and severe physical limitations. If you sustained a back injury at work, you might be considering filing a workers’ compensation claim. However, proving that…

Elderly man waiting to learn more about his retirement and workers comp benefits

If you were injured on the job in Pennsylvania, workers’ compensation benefits can help you get back on your feet by covering your medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages. In most cases, these benefits are only available for as long as it takes you to recover and…

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry updates the PA workers’ compensation rates for workers who suffer on-the-job injuries every year. The rates for employees who sustain injuries between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 are as follows: An injured worker whose Average Weekly Wage is above $1,695 will…

The PA Department of Labor and Industry has released the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Rates for worker’s who are injured during the calendar year of 2020. For injured workers who sustain an injury between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 the compensation rates are: An injured worker whose Average Weekly…

WRONG! Workers’ Compensation Judges in Pennsylvania are not allowed to tell an injured worker: That settlement is a bad idea. That the settlement is too low. That  writing off medical coverage is a bad idea. That there is an important relationship between settling a Workers’ Compensation case and Social Security…