Category: Workers Compensation Q & A and News

In Pennsylvania, a workers’ compensation insurance carrier can stop payment of temporary workers’ compensation benefits without a hearing, just by TIMELY filing a Notice Stopping Temporary Compensation (LIBC-501). There are very strict requirements regarding the time periods the workers’ compensation insurance carrier has to properly revoke a Notice of Temporary…

An issue that is often at the heart of worker’s compensation litigation involves the calculation of the worker’s Average Weekly Wage. Many topics involving the correct calculation of the Claimant’s Average Weekly Wage are covered on this site. (For a recap on Calculating Partial Disability click here; for an explanation of…

If you have been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, listen in as attorney A.J. Palutis explains how to report the incident correctly. If you live in Pennsylvania and need help with your workers’ compensation case, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-291-4722 and find out what benefits you are…