If you work in Pennsylvania, your everyday duties are governed by the employment laws of Pennsylvania and other laws at the federal level. You may not even be aware of it, but when you file for Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim, the laws of the Workers’ Compensation Act govern what your employer can and cannot do.
If you feel your Employer may not be following the employment laws related to the Workers’ Compensation Act, contact Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., at (717) 695-4722. Our law firm only focuses on workers’ compensation claims, so we understand how employment law affects claims and we can use our expertise in this area to address any concerns or issues you may have.
What Is Employment Law?
At its simplest, employment laws refer to the federal and state laws that regulate employer-employee relationships. Employment laws cover everything from workplace discrimination to labor relations to medical leave to workers’ compensation and more.
How Does Workers’ Compensation Fit In?
Workers’ compensation and employment law both concern employee-employer relationships, but in fact, there is a separate set of workers’ compensation laws at play if you are injured at work. These are state laws, specific to Pennsylvania.
Since workers’ compensation laws and employment law only overlap somewhat, when seeking lawyers for your Pennsylvania workers’ comp claim, you will want a workers’ compensation attorney. Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., only handles workers’ compensation cases for injured workers, so we can put all our resources into these claims.
There are some cases where you will want both a workers’ compensation and employment attorney. If your Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim violates employment laws, you may wish to speak to both a labor attorney and a workers’ compensation attorney. If you are fired after filing a workers’ comp claim or your employer discriminates against you or harasses you while you are on light duty, your employer may be violating the law. In these cases, contact the legal team at Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., as we have experience in these types of cases.
What Type of Labor Law and Workers’ Comp Lawyers Should You Hire in Pennsylvania?
If you have a workers’ compensation claim, do not just seek a general practice lawyer in Pennsylvania. Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., has a legal team consisting of attorneys that have dedicated their careers to helping injured workers get the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve. Our attorneys place all their focus on these cases, so we can clearly see where workers’ compensation laws and the employment laws intersect. If you have a case that merits narrower focus than what a general personal injury firm can offer, bring your workers’ comp concerns to Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C. Our caring and professional team gets results for clients and can help you with every facet of your workers’ compensation claim.
If you have been injured on the job, you don’t need the largest personal injury firm in Pennsylvania. You need a firm that has attorneys who have dedicated themselves to helping injured workers get they deserve and who can provide you the trusted answers and peace of mind you deserve. Quite simply, you need Calhoon and Kaminsky P.C., by your side, so contact us at (717) 695-4722 for a free consultation.